
see new work on instagram daily: @niamhfitzphoto

About Us-v2

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[/tatsu_text][special_sub_title title_content= “A Design & Photography Studio based in New York ” font_size= “20” title_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:1″,”color”:”#ffffff”}’ title_alignment= “center” max_width= “60” animation_type= “fadeIn” key= “fqp42yzbsb94gqfk”][/special_sub_title][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][/tatsu_section][tatsu_section bg_color= “#f5f7f9” bg_repeat= “repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_animation= “none” border_color= “” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” overlay_color= “” section_id= “” full_screen_header_scheme= “background–light” padding= “100px 0% 0px 0%” border= “0px 0px px 0px” key= “fqp42yzbv63ujot5”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1” key= “fqp42yzbvl7sw788”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1” key= “fqp42yzbvrduq62k”][special_heading title_content= “WHO ARE WE” h_tag= “h4” title_color= “” separator_style= “1” icon_name= “oshine_diamond” icon_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ separator_color= “#e8e8e8” separator_thickness= “1” separator_width= “60” animation_type= “fadeIn” key= “fqp42yzbvwa991sm”][/special_heading][special_sub_title title_content= “A small team of passionate designers & photographers based in New York, making the web a better place one pixel at a time” font_size= “18” title_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ title_alignment= “center” max_width= “60” animation_type= “fadeIn” key= “fqp42yzbyb8z41bd”][/special_sub_title][tatsu_text max_width= “70” animation_type= “fadeIn” key= “fqp42yzc0w9b0s6p”]

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem veritatis et quasi architecto explicabo. Nemo  ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem . Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore. Asunt in anim uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in anim id est laborum. Allamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Ut nec hinc dolor possim.Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim.

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Ut nec hinc dolor possim.Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim.

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Ut nec hinc dolor possim.Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim.

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Ut nec hinc dolor possim.Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim.

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Ut nec hinc dolor possim.Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim.

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Ut nec hinc dolor possim.Ea mei nostrum imperdiet deterruisset, mei ludus efficiendi ei. Sea summo mazim ex, ea errem eleifend definitionem vim.

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Aenean ac commodo diam. Etiam ut adipiscing mi, quis mattis odio. Donec orci leo, facilisis quis ipsum quis, facilisis rhoncus lorem. Maecenas non rutrum enim. Proin id laoreet neque.

[/testimonial][testimonial quote_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ author= “Eric Foreman” author_color= “#000000” author_role= “Lead Designer” author_role_color= “#4c4c4c” key= “fqp42yzdic36a1r”]

Aenean ac commodo diam. Etiam ut adipiscing mi, quis mattis odio. Donec orci leo, facilisis quis ipsum quis, facilisis rhoncus lorem. Maecenas non rutrum enim. Proin id laoreet neque.

[/testimonial][testimonial author_image= “” quote_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ author= “Remy Danton” author_color= “#000000” author_role= “Director” author_role_color= “#4c4c4c” key= “fqp42yzdl6eao2ar”]

Aenean ac commodo diam. Etiam ut adipiscing mi, quis mattis odio. Donec orci leo, facilisis quis ipsum quis, facilisis rhoncus lorem. Maecenas non rutrum enim. Proin id laoreet neque.

[/testimonial][testimonial quote_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ author= “Natalie Meyers” author_color= “#000000” author_role= “Manager” author_role_color= “#4c4c4c” key= “fqp42yzdnn787ujs”]

Aenean ac commodo diam. Etiam ut adipiscing mi, quis mattis odio. Donec orci leo, facilisis quis ipsum quis, facilisis rhoncus lorem. Maecenas non rutrum enim. Proin id laoreet neque.

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“Mike” h_tag= “h6” designation= “Designer” description= “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.” image= “” title_color= “” description_color= “” designation_color= “” facebook= “” twitter= “” google_plus= “” linkedin= “” youtube= “” vimeo= “” email= “” dribbble= “” icon_color= “#000000” icon_hover_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ icon_bg_color= “” icon_hover_bg_color= “” hover_style= “style7-hover” title_style= “style5” smedia_icon_position= “over” title_alignment_static= “center” default_image_style= “color” hover_image_style= “color” image_effect= “none” overlay_color= “rgba(255,255,255,0.85)” animation_type= “fadeIn” key= “fqp42yzdxdejmolx”][/team][/tatsu_column][tatsu_column layout= “1/4” key= “fqp42yze116mvtmy”][team title= “Felicity Novak” h_tag= “h6” designation= “Designer” description= “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.” image= “” title_color= “” description_color= “” designation_color= “” facebook= “” twitter= “” google_plus= “” linkedin= “” youtube= “” vimeo= “” email= “” dribbble= “” icon_color= “#000000” icon_hover_color= ‘{“id”:”palette:0″,”color”:”#af9f66″}’ icon_bg_color= “” icon_hover_bg_color= “” hover_style= “style7-hover” title_style= “style5” smedia_icon_position= “over” title_alignment_static= “center” default_image_style= “color” hover_image_style= “color” image_effect= “none” overlay_color= “rgba(255,255,255,0.85)” animation_type= “fadeIn” key= “fqp42yze1977p2qo”][/team][/tatsu_column][tatsu_column layout= “1/4” key= “fqp42yze44arx0b4”][team title= “Jane” h_tag= “h6” designation= “Designer” description= “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque.” image= “” title_color= “” description_color= “” designation_color= “” facebook= “” twitter= “” google_plus= “” linkedin= “” youtube= “” vimeo= “” email= “” dribbble= “” icon_color= “#000000” icon_hover_color= 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